Sunday, August 1, 2010

goodbye july

Finally, July is over. I've gotta say ... I don't think I've ever had a more crazy few weeks in my life. The last 3 weeks of June were spent in Kansas City for Maywood rehearsals, but that was nothing compared to July. Concert July 4th, concert July 10th, concert July 24th, recording July 26th & 27th @ Awestruck and all of the fun stuff in between like making t-shirts, submitting for Rock the Light, designing the album cover and website art, meeting my new nephew, hanging out with friends both old and new, the ups and downs of trying to buy this house (still don't know we're getting it yet) and singing at a wedding with Joel. We had to learn this song. I thought it was kinda sweet.

Greg and I have one last stop on this summer adventure - Indianapolis for our yearly, mini vacation to Gen Con with all of our WoW friends. Hillary and Brent will be there along with Tom and other buddies from the game that we'd just as soon refer to by the names of their avatars rather than their own. I go by Joliet, one of many names on reserve for future children. Speaking of kids, Rhett and Julia also had a baby this month and are unable to come to Gen Con this year, but Hillary and I are planning a small detour to Chicago to meet Mr. Hugh on Friday. I can't wait. :)

I know the summer has practically flown by and usually I'm complaining that I hardly got to savor a drop of it, but I am seriously ready to put it all behind me this time. I love the fall and the INSTANT I started to remember the chill in the air, the colors of the leaves, cute little jackets, Halloween and Thanksgiving my heart began to race with excitement. And for the first time ever, I felt a legitimate twinge to have kids of my own. Maybe I can just barrow one to dress up and take from door to door. Do families still do that?

Hope your summer has been as fulfilling as mine. I suppose it's not over yet, eh? What else will get thrown at us, I wonder.