Monday, July 19, 2010

the hobbit

So Maywood is finally scheduling vocal sessions for the debut album "_____." Erm ... whatever it's going to be called. I'm very keen on calling it "See? I told you I'm in a band!" or "mythological album of legend discovered!" with a unicorn of the front cover. The silliest the guys would consider was "greatest hits." Much to my infinite boredom, though, we are back to plucking out some vague line spoken only once in the bowels of one of the songs to use as the title. It must be pregnant with meaning and symbolism, of course. Why can't we just speak plainly? "Hope you like it, Lord" is kinda what I'm going for. Ah well.

Anyway, we've finally started vocal sessions. Today, Scott is laying down his lead vox for Here By My Side, Stereo Love and We Were Made. We've set aside 4 hours to do this and I hope it's adequate. We're running out of time and our sound engineer is a busy man. We've sent Joel with him for "moral support," but actually, we're all just hoping Scott will get done early so Joel can finish out the time slot. This sneaky endeavor reminds me of a chapter in the hobbit when Gandalf slowly introduces the dwarfs to Beorn. There are 13 dwarfs, I think, and had they all traipsed up to Beorn's doorstep at once, he would have turned them away immediately. Instead, Gandalf tells them to come up 2 at a time, waiting 5 minutes between each pair. In the meantime, Gandalf regales the adventurous tale of their journey to distract Beorn from noticing that the party has slowly grown to 13. Clever.

Ok, so sending an extra singer so that Larry doesn't run out of work doesn't seem quite so sneaky after all, but I'm still going to consider myself mildly clever for the rest of the day.

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